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The world’s most spoken languages February 18, 2011

Posted by conedo in Uncategorized.
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English, Spanish, French or… There are several languages that sometimes are refered to as “world languages.”

But which languages are the most spoken on our planet? By how many people and in how many countries?

Un-threatened on the top is Mandarin Chinese – spoken by 845 million people, official language in 5 countries. That is almost 3 times as many as the runner-up Spanish, spoken by 329 million and English spoken by 328 million. If we take into account in how many countries a language is the official language – English is by far number one with 115 countries, followed by French, the official language in 35 countries and Arabic, in 24 countries.

These are the world’s 10 most spoken native languages, and in how many countries these languages are the official language.

1st Mandarin Chinese
Spoken by 845 million people.
Official languages in 5 countries.

2nd Spanish
Spoken by 329 million people.
Official language in 20 countries.

3rd English
Spoken by 328 million people.
Official language in 115 countries.

4th Arabic
Spoken by 221 million people.
Official language in 24 countries.

5th Hindi
Spoken by 182 million people.
Official language of 1 country.

6th Bengali
Spoken by 181 million people.
Official language of 1 country.

7th Portuguese
Spoken by 178 million people.
Official languages in 5 countries.

8th Russian
Spoken by 144 million people.
Official language in 16 countries.

9th Japanese
Spoken by 122 million people.
Official language of 1 country.

10th German
Spoken by 91 million people.
Official language of 1 country.

If we look further down the list we find French on the 18th place, spoken by 74 million people, official language in 35 countries.


Thai is on place 25, spoken by 25 million people and Swedish is found on place 91, spoken by 9 million people.

To my love, my new friends and my new Thai family January 8, 2011

Posted by conedo in Contemplations, Uncategorized.
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Late tonight, I’m taking the Thai Airways night flight out from Bangkok to arrive in Stockholm on Sunday morning. I do this with mixed emotions. I’m very sad to leave this beautiful, warm and friendly country, to have to say goodbye to all terrific new Thai friends and deeply sad that I have to leave my fiancée Nim (if only temporarily), to go back to hard work, snow and freezing temperatures again…

But at the same time I am extremely happy for how my life has changed miraculously these last few months! I have got so many new dear Thai friends and I’ve been blessed to from now on be a part of the nicest and most fantastic Thai family!!!! Thanks to all of you, thanks Nim, thanks Nim’s family and thank you – all my new dear friends, from the bottom of my heart! ♥